Edit-Turin PMed me and has given me permission to update the Worthy Heroes Mod. In light of that fact, my efforts will best be served there, rather than start a new mod from scratch. However, I do intend to proceed era by era, with the MA being changed 1st. Keep in mind soon is a relative word.
As Qm will also be working on a separate update to Worthy Heroes for all ages, I will call my update to Turin's Mod Throne of Heroes.
In the very near future, I am going to start a mod whose intent is identical to Worthy Heroes, but for the Middle Era only.
A couple of things have prompted me to begin this project:
1. The slow release of WH 1.9-and this is not a jab at QM at all. His baby is the CBM, and the CBM is breathtaking in its scope. If the only mod he was tinkering with was WH there is no telling where it would be.
2. I also in my discussions with QM sense a fundamental difference in what we want from our heroes, a difference I also had with Turin as well. They are both more conservative in nature with their heroes than I intend to be.
And I shared that conservatism until I actually had two large full blown games with Epic Heroes. What I learned is even very powerful Epic Heroes affect the early game, but they had small impact on the midgame, and none on the late game.
Unlike an Epic Hero, who you can count on from turn 1, a "Worthy Hero" is hit or miss really. You certainly cannot plan your pretender around the hope that you get one early in the game.
Combine that "fact" with the "fact" that luck is underpowered, and you have all the more reason to reward luck liberally. And one of the few ways to do that(absent the CBM) is to take advantage of the vanilla game mechanic that adds an additional chance for a hero to join your cause.
I am only doing the Middle Age with this mod, primarily because I am most familiar with that era, and because I think I can do a better job with the focus on only 1 era-at least to start.
As with Epic Heroes, I would really like to get heroes from many sources. So if anyone is interested in doing one please contact me.
After watching Pitch Black recently, I think Riddick should be a Hero! But for what race?