I really don't think we have to dig too deeply to find rampant evidence of the iniquity of man, from first record, to present. O.o
Though I do think it's funny that people say "power corrupts", when ultimately most powerful people were corrupt to begin with. Thousands of years of people scratching their heads over things like "gee, the king's eldest son died, everyone loved him, did he have ANY enemies? oh well, his younger brother will suffice I suppose, though he's a bit shady".
Some people do extraordinary things to survive. Others, do extraordinarily awful things in order to survive. And yet others are artificially conditioned to think that their survival depends on attainment of more wealth and power, and continually do extraordinarily awful things to that end.
A critical look at the people wielding great power throughout history, will show a handful of admirable and worthy leaders. It will show another handle of mediocre but just and kind rulers. And it will provide seemingly endless lists of the worst kind of scum the world has seen. Not because they commit atrocious acts in person necessarily, but enact policies and send orders that cause incredible suffering to countless citizens whose voice will never be heard crying out in pain across history. Such is the nature of humanity, and of power. For every wrongdoing we discover, there were 10 that were successfully buried, and many of those were the worst.
At least here it's just pixels. Sometimes I shoot pixels in the groin, and then I laugh. I can't allow myself to feel sympathy, because when I hit Exit, they all die anyways.