AdmiralZhao said:
I agree with you Corwin.
Usually in our large battles, you are at the very back, and my bats move forward to attack at a glacial pace, enduring turn after turn of spells to reach your lines. I was hoping to switch that around on you this time, by hanging back myself, and letting MoD do the work while we both hung back. The eventual intent was to force your armies/mages further forward, so that Banish to Inferno could start being effective again. The intent wasn't to hit and run; it was to arrive with 200 Army of Gold/Mass Regeneration beast bats, and sit at the far back of my lines, petrifying and charming anyone who came forward to meet us, while the MoD took care of your back line of mages.
Instead, you showed up a bit earlier than expected, and MoD
showed once again why it is hated and reviled. Feel free to use MoD in one of our future battles as payback. I won't use it again in any capacity due, since even when you try to use it in a decent fashion, it has the potential to be an exploit.
I would point out that in this instance the damage was not too great; you only lost one A2 air mage and you destroyed my army at that square. You did not take the province though, which you would have done without MoD.
Thank you, I appreciate your feedback and explanation. It is what I hoped it would be. I will probably use MOD against you on one of the further turns, and that will be it.
As for the results of the battle - at this point I don't care about your bats anymore - you have demonstrated you can replace them much faster than I can kill them. I was hoping to nail your commanders, but instead my SCs were running after illusions and geting affliction. Not to mention that my air mage died and I didn't get the province.
It could be worse I suppose, but considering how tough things are going for me (I have lost lthe leader position in almost all graphs), I was hoping to win at least this big battle that I have carefully scripted and prepared.
Anyway, it is now settled as far as I concenred.
If Fomoria (and Oceanina, if they have high-air mages ) will agree to join this MOD ban, it should eleminate this problem for the rest of this game.