K said:
JimMorrison said:
But you see, K's education is failing him right now, and he's not sure how to handle it, Edi, except soldier on. 
The forms of rhetoric that he is taught, are meant to bully and impression the 90 IQ members of a jury into believing him. They are never meant to directly address reality, but rather to operate in that grey area between reality and perception. 
Actually, it's designed to convince judges who are trained in logical argument and have decades of experience.
But, it was unfair of me to hold random people on the internet to that standard. It seems to only enrage people.
My apologies.
I wasn't aware that anyone was enraged. Frustrated perhaps. At any rate, the version of spin which you are offering us, will not hold up to any judge worth his salt, just as it does not hold up here. You are not, in fact, giving us facts. You are dressing up manipulated information to look like a potential fact, and then calling it a fact - as I pointed out, this does not coincide with reality.
K said:
JimMorrison said:
whether or not they support the exploitation of unfixed bugs in public MP games, your answer would be vastly, overwhelmingly, devastatingly -almost- unanimous. I would say it would be 100%, but you can vote however you like on the matter, K, it won't change reality, or anyone's perception of it. <3
You see, that's a moral judgment with no basis in a logical argument.
The devs have no right to tell people how to play the game. I respect their work so much that I've bought this game twice, but it ends there. At the end of the day, they wouldn't be the first devs to not understand the intricacies of what they have cobbled together.
This is not a moral judgement on my part, it is you stubbornly providing your own semantic spin on the situation.
It's quite simple, K - this is a detrimental bug. This is a simple evolution in gaming: bugged code ~> flawed game mechanics ~> player exploitation proves it exists ~> programmers acknowledge existence of bug (VERY important part) ~> exploitation of bug is banned by gaming community, pending a fix.
They are not saying how we should play the game. However, they ARE saying it is a pretty serious bug. At the end of the day, making deliberate use of a bug for your own gain = exploitation. Bug exploitation, in every gaming community I have been a part of, has been viewed with great distaste at the least, but more often than that with complete censure. Due to the nature of the bug, I will personally continue to support that sort of methodology, just as everyone else with an opinion has stated is their position - everyone but you. But it is your opinion that silent people agree with you, and it is a fact that people who care to post, agree with me.
You can say I am wrong all you want - but you know as well as I do that in court, at the end of the day it doesn't matter squat who is right and who is wrong - only who is more believable. Most of your arguments here, show that you care more about uninformed belief, than you do for the observations of those who are looking at your arguments with a critical eye.
As to your claim that everyone exploits bugs, apparently you are still willfully ignoring semantics, and continuing to just use words as they please you. Bug exploitation is a matter of intent, and any little bugs that have very widespread effects, will often go on the back burner because while things aren't exactly WAD, they're also not harming the gameplay significantly, once the net effect is reached. You can't avoid them if you want to. Exploiting a bug however, is quite intentional. You have to go far out of your way to abuse the MoD bug. The reason for the length of time needed to resolve the issue, is most likely tied to how hard it is to find the malfunctioning code. If you didn't have to go out of your way to commit the act, it would in fact devastate the game, and would have to be fixed immediately. However, there is absolutely no evidence that the devs don't care, the only public statement that either has made, was to call MoD a "bad bug". Not a good or benign bug, but
Now, you can refer to the concept of bug exploitation as a "moral" stance, but it is not, in and of itself. It is in fact a philosophy of community gaming, where the desire is to discourage people from gaining their own enjoyment from ruining the enjoyment of others. Those people don't actually become "bad people" until they disregard the wishes of the community at large, and continue to abuse unaddressed and malicious bugs. If you felt I was passing a moral judgement on you personally because of your own beliefs, that is not exactly so - it was not until you decided to fight so rabidly for the objectionable position - and your flawed "logical" arguments that are the worst kind of disinformation and gross manipulation.
You're welcome, let me know if you need any more help.