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Old July 15th, 2008, 05:21 AM

K K is offline
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Default Re: Battlefield spell + retreating?

JimMorrison said:
You can say I am wrong all you want - but you know as well as I do that in court, at the end of the day it doesn't matter squat who is right and who is wrong - only who is more believable. Most of your arguments here, show that you care more about uninformed belief, than you do for the observations of those who are looking at your arguments with a critical eye.
Actually, you are wrong here. Courts look at evidence that supports the arguments. Even if a jury believes you and provides a judgment for you, the judge can actually void that judgment if the weight of evidence doesn't support it, as can appellate courts and supreme courts.

You've been arguing persuasively, but not logically. There really is no logical counter to a blanket statement like "anyone that benefits from a bug is hurting the gaming community's enjoyment." It's the same class of moral argument as "gays are destroying America" or "Coke is better than Pepsi" in that it is both unsupported and unsupportable, relying purely on rhetorical power.

The "Battlefield spell + Retreat combo" and MoD are usuable by anyone, hard to set up, easily counterable by anyone, and only a small percentage of the community feels the need to make explicit rules banning it (for whatever reason). These are simple facts which support my position.

Newbs and players focusing on SCs and thugs get schooled by these tactics. These are the facts that support your position.

Everything else in this thread has been me attempting to counter what I thought were flaws in people's logical arguments. My mistake was thinking that people were using logical arguments rather than figuring out that they were making moral arguments. If I had recognized it, I could have exited earlier.

Again, my apologies.
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