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Old July 15th, 2008, 08:22 AM
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Default Re: Battlefield spell + retreating?

No, you're right, there is no logical counter to the claim that exploiting a bug is unsportsmanlike and dishonorable behavior, and disrupts the feeling of bittersweet enjoyment that one gets from being defeated by an opponent who respects you as a person.

I still do not buy your "easy to counter" rhetoric either. The layout and scripting for killing a lone mage far in the back, are FAR different from the scripts you want for killing actual armies. So the majority of instances that the MoD caster is encountered, there will be nothing you an do about it unless you have good Astral and are spamming Mind Slay or Enslave Mind starting on turn 1. But you're going to know your enemy, obviously you wouldn't want to try to exploit someone who was strong versus your chosen exploit, as it cuts into the efficiency.

Oh and before I forget - obviously it is well understood that judges like to look at and weigh proven facts - so I'd welcome you to present some that actually support your case. So far you've been proven very badly wrong on your 7/37 assessment, so what else do you have? I have about 8 people supporting me, you have none, the closest you have to a supporter is Gandalf, but his "now let's not be too hasty" interjections sound much more neutral than anything.

Don't get discouraged now, I'm enjoying this banter.
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