Re: Real-world sensitivities and game names
2 cents worth, and only 2 cents worth.
I have a degree in Culturel Anthropology and alot of what is mentioned in this game is semi-correct or at least has a mythological tilt to it.
Gentlemen (and ladies), we are who we are...
We where a barbaric people by our modern standards and a normal people by the Era's they lived in.
Dragons had Virgins had sacrificed to them but I havn't heard One person decry that it is discrimanation agianst the fairer sex.
I suggest that if a nation offends you...don't play it.
If someone is using a Nations like (example) Ulm and is quoting the Baaaaaad Adolph, and it offends you...Quit the game.
Its Role Playing and supposed to ne thematic and somewhat civilised. But we can't contol everyone, we can only do what we do in real life...choose not to be around those that offend us.
Guess that was a nickel's worth!! [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Peace.gif[/img]