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Old July 17th, 2008, 09:54 AM
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Default Re: So no Dominions 4?

Kraftwerk said:
If I hadnt pirated dom2 to play with a friend who had purchased it, id never have purchased dom3. Ever. So theres a sale due to piracy even. But I dont advocate people running around willy nilly stealing every game they can. If you can purchase it, purchase it. Especially if its an indy game. So I cant just tell people pirate the thing, if you like it, buy it, but the price, certainly forces people to take that route (and hopefully most of them purchase it after they see how great it is) Lowering the price, just sending emails and having interviews and reviews on some good multiplayer strategy game websites, and pbem matching making sites, to remind people who, like me, saw this game first there, saw the price and never looked at it again (till someone i knew took the leap of faith and bought it) and lowering the price, is gonna snag all those people who saw the game, saw the price, and turned their back.

Tim and I took our daughter to the movies last week and were appalled at the high price of concessions. They wanted $4.00 for a box of Goobers! $9.50 for a soft pretzel and a Coke! Outrageous. But, boy, do we love to eat while we take in a flick. I mean, we're not just going to sit in the dark and not eat anything.

So when the cashier rang us up to the tune of $39.00 (we could have eaten big, juicy burgers with plump, crispy steak fries in a nice restaurant for that), we just took the stuff and ran. But you know what? It was so good - boy that pretzel was yummy. We ended going back for seconds, and this time we paid for it. So really, the owners of the theater should be happy, because even though we stole food, we were prompted to buy more. And it really makes no difference that there was guy set up in the corner of the lobby handing out free samples of the hot, doughy pretzels...that was not really enough to tell us whether we should take a chance on paying for what we desired to consume. I'm not saying everyone should do this, but it was okay for us.

This is a game publisher's board. You've admitted that you have stolen from us. We will not tolerate your coming here trying to justify to us and our community that you have a right to steal from us because you don't like our business model. End of discussion.