Agema said:
I don't understand what you are saying about Europe, can you explain?
PC is thoroughly trashed now, yes. But I think its core, mainstream belief of respect was a beneficial one, and so to attack it generally is to throw out a baby with the fanatic, fringe bathwater, when the two can be separated. After all, we don't call Christianity an abomination just because of Waco and witch-burning.
I can list you other reasons..... >.>
The stated reason for inquisitions was to save the souls of the people..... it ended up twisted into, well, I don't think anyone here should need elaboration. O.O By the time anything could be done about it, it just had to be stopped.
Am I saying I don't think we should be respectful of eachother? That's ridiculous. But the fact that so many people have extrapolated "respecting others" to simply not being allowed to say [i]anything[/b] that offends another person - means that really we need to stop the process, and probably just scrap it and start again from a different angle.
If people want to use slurs, then limiting their freedom of expression outright is something that will always be expanded into oppressive areas, and you must understand that with ANY limitation of freedom, there will develop oppression - if you can't understand that, then you are helping cause your own problems.
If however people found themselves somewhat disadvantaged if they behaved in ways that hurt other people - maybe they would learn that living life as a racist bigot just isn't "worth it".