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Old July 17th, 2008, 03:53 PM
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HoneyBadger HoneyBadger is offline
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Default Re: Real-world sensitivities and game names

Well, that right there is the main transgression. It's never been purely Christianity that has caused problems. It's always been state-supported Christianity that has been responsible for, or furthered, such niceties as the second class citizenship of women, support of slavery and condemnation of homosexuality, polygamy, burning of "witches"-all of which have been justified by Bible scripture-as well as pleasant policies such as indifference towards the Holocaust, Cruisades, pogroms, the burning of books, the destruction of culture, and hereditary rulership, even if the "rightful heir" is the product of a few hundred years of incest.

I have no problem whatsoever with Christianity, the worst thing that happens when Christians are alone is they get eaten by lions, or start writing excrutiating rock music, and good Christians do actually walk the Earth, actively doing and supporting many, many good deeds-it's when the Church is combined with the State that bad things (as an example, I give you our current administration) seem to happen all too regularly.
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