Death Ray Squid Tanks !!
Why didn't we see this before, this is the only thing Dom3 needs to become so breathtakingly awesome, that our own sun implodes in riotous glory and splendor.
Oh it will be everything we dreamed it could be, but first we must design the tanks.
Creepy slithering water globes filled with otherworldly invaders, and references to Tripods help make this thread complete. I am so happy right now.
How about a national spell too, maybe make it 2W/1S, that gives a commander air breathing, and flight. It's not true flight, but levitation really, but still..... Gigantic whale-like Aboleths, gliding with silent grace through the sky, rending people's minds with their insane coolness. It would work like Life After Death and Dragon Master and stuff, spells that leave a lasting effect on the caster. I think EA R'lyeh needs that spell more than anyone, as they are just about the least likely aquatic to have any Air magic. There could of course be a higher spell that allows them to bring XX aquatic units with them on land.