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Old July 17th, 2008, 06:15 PM

Ironhawk Ironhawk is offline
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Default A Brief Respite

This turn, the people of Mictlan were given a brief respite from the constant battering of Pan and TC. The beuracrats of TC, bogged down in thier own red tape, could not manage to push forward on the critical northern front. Instead they sent in thier enslaved Air Queen, Shaik, to do thier dirty work. Unfortunately for her, she was outsmarted by the cunning and devious Belial, Lord of Hell, who slew her in personal combat.

In other news, Mictlan made a mockery of the Pangean advance this turn, burning down a key fortress directly in the face of an oncoming horde. Additionally, serval key Pangean leaders fell prey to a surprise round of assassinations, costing them dearly in gems and personnel. Amusingly, this is the second time in this game that the owner of the Flying Ship has been assassinated by Mict.
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