July 18th, 2008, 08:37 AM
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Re: FreshMeat - new thread, and game started!
meister_miagi said:
If anyone has their eyes set on invading the southern continent, now is the time. Pangaea in the west is busy besieging Niefelheim's capitol with a large force and his lands are undefended. Sauromatia in the east has just declared war on Niefelheim and is preparing for an invasion, which will leave his coastal provinces largely defenseless.
This is clearly a campaign to purge the world of giants, all free peoples should unite to liberate Niefelheim from its oppressors. If not for the sake of justice, then for cultural diversity and our fight against global warming.
The gall. The unmitigated gall....
"You're never more vulnerable than when you have both hands wrapped around your opponents throat." -Ubercat
"I'm not convinced that faith can move mountains, but I've seen what it can do to skyscrapers." -William H. Gascoyne