thejeff said:
[...]It's also a concept not particularly accepted by certainly extremely vocal Christians in the US these days.
...And you don't live in Italy, my dear friend...
On an historical basis, you can even just think about the excommunications to the kings, which were used by the church to forbid non-controllable kings to ruling their countries; the Papal States (which fighted not to be annexed in the Italian territory, and excommunicated whoever wanted to partecipate to Italian political life after being annexed); the Opus Dei; and many other things... even now in Italy certain priests from the hierarchy of the Church, say on a daily basis to politics that a country cannot be ruled without their God and that they are ready to "fight" (!) to defend their (expecially economical) advantages (many of which are plain absurd)
Just to show you that certainly that quote from 3 of the 4 gospels, surely didn't, and don't, interest at all the ideas of many Christians, about the separation between church and State.