Niarg said:
It seems you were not too desperate to dispel after all since until I killed Oceanias god she still had the global enchantment active. I hardly believe that you can have enough gems to cast arcane nexus and yet not enough to cast a simple dispel, you have decieved your way to get the gems required and give nothing back when asked.
Why should we spare the lives of your deceitful people?
Pardon me while I feign understanding of your perspective.
The only reason that I didn't take the capital sooner, and end the global VERY early, was because you had 2 armies present, and I assumed your intent was to take the capital - and I was politely heading the other direction into less valuable lands.
So you take your armies, gobble up an impressive amount of territory with little resistance, and then beat me to the capital by 1 turn, getting much more gain than I had realized possible, AND claiming the capital, replete with gem income.
You will note, that previous to my casting, I offered the return of all (20) donated pearls, if the BoT were brought down without the use of my mages. Considering that the BoT was likely cast with at least 80 gems, and possibly over 100, I would have been footing 75-80% of the cost of casting, when it wasn't even hurting me as bad as it could have.
I'll even offer again, to return 15 pearls apiece to the 2 nations whom donated to the dispel. Do not blame me because no one else cared to invest in their own income and survival - just because I offer to perform a service that requires a fee, doesn't mean I am offering to pay the entire fee. If I had gotten 40-50 pearls donated, I would have been quite keen on getting the BoT down, covering half of the casting - and using a turn of my most valued mage's time - out of kindness to the rest of the world who have mostly been supporting of humble little Agartha over these last years.
As for R'lyeh, this is more than laughable. You sent me 10 (or was it 12) D gems to help me feel comfortable being the one who would likely face the bulk of Oceania's elite troops. In the usual terms of mercenary actions, and in simple money paid for services rendered - I agreed to enter the war if I had some D gems to summon Umbrals, you sent them, I attacked Oceania - that contract was fulfilled on both ends. Then you come to me, while sieging the capital that I was a bit eager to claim at that point, and you demand I hand over to you 2 provinces. I only have 5 provinces from that engagement, though I may end up with 1-2 more by the time I face the 200 elite troops that Oceania still has to my south. The rest of the lands were returned to Marignon who has owned them most of the game.
In any case, if you think that 2 provinces are worth 10-12 gems, you're insane. And if you think that refusal to give you 40% of my unimpressive war gains is justification for aggressive action towards Agartha, then you are a danger to everyone who you border, with your reckless warmongering.