? HoneyBadger, the Bible is believed by the Christians to having been *directly* inspired by God - the Word of God itself. The Holy Spirit or anyway some kind of Divine Inspiration descending on the Evangelists and the Old Testament writers and guiding their hands into writing the Bible the way that God wants. While opening a lot of problems (like the fact that God is supposed to be perfect and so not self-contradictory but still goes through a massive change of personality from the Old Testament to the New, and Him being some kind of a all-hating all-forbidding slavery-supporting genocidal giving death penalty to everybody, in the Old Testament), this also implies that you cannot wake up one day and say "Hey, I want to leave a track of my society in the Bible too". Writing what? The only way to do a similar thing are the Papal bull and Encyclicals, both prerogative of the Pope. And none of them have ever been very "modern society's values" inspired yet