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Old July 20th, 2008, 05:23 PM
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Default Re: Paging the Giants Jotunheim

Considering that there was an enormous force of his capital only sacreds in the south, then no, I don't think he was really "defending his lands" from you in anything but a token sense.

And I turned my army around when the leader of my former ally informed me (somewhat rudely) that you had avoided the capital, and that heading there to kill the pretender was a higher priority than facing off with the army in the south.

I have cast a powerful global spell, sure. Someone dispelled one of my others, which I rather much fancied having up. Due to the actions of this thoughtless nation who has spent a small fortune in Pearls only to hinder the growth of such a peaceful people as mine - I certainly am not going to accept your ridiculous demands. I am sure you understand how the Nexus works, it steals nothing. You'd never see the gems that I get, it just happens that I run the bank now, nothing changes in your life at all.

I have offered twice now to return Pearls to the *two* entire people who donated for the dispel. Neither has responded affirmatively, so while I understand that you and some others may be concerned, then I will point out some facts.

~ I've only taken 8 provinces from other nations this entire game - 3 of those were returned to Marignon.

~ I did not start this war myself, but was asked by two nations to join in, your own and Marignon.

~ R'lyeh on the other hand has been quite the little warmonger, and has become quite the little magemonger as well - some people may be a little disturbed by poor Agartha having the Nexus up - maybe they should be more worried what happens if R'lyeh annexes Agartha and recasts the Nexus themselves.

It seems to me that fear of the unknown is the only motivating factor for most people, as regards Agartha. Perhaps they should be more afraid of what IS known - about R'lyeh.
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