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Old July 21st, 2008, 03:40 AM

Saxon Saxon is offline
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Default Re: Real-world sensitivities and game names

The point about the “render unto Caesar” is not that any of the various Christian splinters followed it before the Enlightenment. The point is that the idea gives an intellectual space for some Christians to accept a separation of church and state. As Tifone points out, it is not universally accepted by all Christians, but it is accepted by many. More important for this discussion, such a separation is accepted as a real possibility by many liberal believers and non-believers.

Many other faiths do not have this concept and some explicitly state the contrary. This does lead to a communications gap for many Westerners trying to understand politics and religion in other parts of the world.

It also explains why some people may be offended by various things in the game while others shake their heads. Some people don’t or can’t separate religion and the rest of their life and may be offended. Others see a massive separation and can not comprehend how another could be offended.
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