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Old July 21st, 2008, 03:58 AM
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Default Re: Real-world sensitivities and game names

"Accepted by many" you say, and I read "accepted by the surely many reasonable Christians, which understand that not everybody can be forced to follow their 2000 years old values, even if they personally have the right to do so".

In that, we can agree.
But just think about the many religious leaders crying out and blasting against "the secularism" (which is nothing more than "rendering unto Caesar") and the "cultural relativism" (which is a MODERN RECOGNISED VALUE to every lay State, as they don't accept /one/ religious culture to impose itself on the others).
You see every day on TV what I mean. Those preachers drive masses of millions, which vote what their beloved priest wants, often imposing at the present time, religious values on lay States and to people which have the right not to share them.

So maybe "rendering unto Caesar" isn't something the Christian religion is so good doing in the present. Not that the other main religions are better in this. I just think about Christianity because many see it as "the reasonable religion", while in fact it possesses unnumbered brainwashing and "past-adjusting" media and often fights to deprive the people of the "Gift of Reason" ( ) the Enlightenment bequeathed to us.


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