Re: Real-world sensitivities and game names
No more prophets are needed for Christianity. The prophets foretold stuff relating to the return of the messiah. The messiah arrived, which means the next stop is Armageddon, and the ticket to travel is already printed.
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In a real democracy, the people rule. Whether the majority wish to be tyrannical is neither here nor there. Arguably, states which safeguard against such behaviour are less democratic than those that don't.
What separation of church and state means is that there is no direct interference by the government on the church or by the church on the government. It does not mean that those with religious authority can't indirectly influence government by persuading adherents to do certain things.
If a religious majority wishes to impose it's will, in a general sense it should be allowed. After all, a capitalist majority can impose low taxation on a socialist minority. A punitive majority can keep the death penalty. A prudish majority can impose strict censorship of pornography or bad language on a permissive minority. There's no justification under democracy per se to second-guess the motivation of people just because it is religious.