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Old July 21st, 2008, 02:28 PM

Micah Micah is offline
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Default Re: Patch notes

In response to Baalz:

Improperly constructed and supported armies have a weakness in that they can't deal with SCs, so you need to deploy them with that in mind and avoid situations where they are a tempting enough target to use an SC on. I'm OK with that, that's a strategic decision when deploying armies. They'll also get screwed if a non-fire resistant army stumbles upon a bunch of abysians casting Fire Storm. It's just a weakness to keep in mind.

The current SC counters are plenty for most battles. One consideration for army builds *should* be dealing with SCs, not just having enough troops to absorbs 50 turns of losses. If you're using spearmen and your opponent hits you with a high-prot SC - well, you just got outmaneuvered.

You plan your strategies around the boundaries of the game, it seems rather silly to carry on at length about what has been a hallmark of the game since the days of its predecessor (the utility of SCs, which I understand has been toned down quite a bit, in fact.) This is a game that makes extensive use of SCs. There are a variety of counters to them. Plan your strategies accordingly.
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