Baalz said:
Meh, this is such a non-issue.
Mindless units and leaders have a weakness that they can't retreat, so you need to deploy them with that in mind and avoid armies that they can't damage fast enough. I'm ok with that, that's a strategic decision when deploying golems.
Not retreating is fine, yet nothing justifies or explains the instant death of these units and commanders on the battlefield. As mentioned earlier a limbo state should occur which already exists as seen when using map edit commands and placing three nations within one province.
Baalz said:
50 turns is plenty for most battles. One of the considerations for SC builds *should* be outputting enough damage, not just regenerating fast enough. If you're using a frost brand and your opponent spams you with undead - well you just got outmaneuvered.
True and since a draw occurs between both sides either the attacker should be moved into a nearby friendly province or left in limbo on top of the province to attack again next turn.
Nothing justifies or explains the instant death which occurs.
Baalz said:
I think it's kind of silly to complain that the turn limit isn't realistically modeling warfare. Come on guys, we're playing a game. Flying units teleport around the battlefield and can be attacked by melee, you die if you run away from an assassin, and its impossible to command your mages *not* to cast a specific spell.
Flying units appear to teleport because the game doesn't provide a vertical map movement, dying from an assassin by retreating is another illogical flaw discussed on the forums which conflicts with historical assassinations, and mages *not* casting a specific spell is a game limitation which should be improved possibly within Dom_4 since it's too late for the current game engine and it's been requested by many gamers.
Just because the game has illogical flaws doesn't mean they cannot be improved as seen with the current game settings verses game settings from DOM_2.
Baalz said:
You plan your strategies around the boundaries of the game, it seems rather silly to carry on at length about reinforcements and how long the fights last. This is a turn based game, combat lasts 50 turns. Plan your strategies accordingly.
It's more with creating a more logical fantasy environment. The battlefield turn limits cause illogical and unjust retreats plus some unjust deaths. Allowing the game to evolve into a better and more realistic fantasy realm is a good thing.