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Old July 21st, 2008, 03:37 PM
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Default Re: Patch notes

Wrana said:
Unjust deaths of mindless automatons which could kill many mortals but have a finite time of activity? Come on! That's among the most easily explained and logical things - if they don't have weakness in morale, they should have something else instead of it!

These mindless automatons can survive over one thousand game turn years why the heck do you think battlefield turns would cause them to vanish from existence?

Based on their current age and old age the golem should easily survive for many many future battles.

Wrana said:
Actually, I know a tabletop wargame which uses similar mechanism and it's quite popular.
And if Golems wouldn't have this weakness, they should be much more costly.
It's not just golems which are killed. The automatic killing is illogical and unjustified considering golems and other mindless survive over a thousand game years.
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