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Old July 21st, 2008, 05:18 PM
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Default Re: The Agarthean Offensive

Niarg said:
I hardly see that as a demand, it was a request that you do not take the provinces that I left Oceania to take so that I could go after his capital.

Other than the blatant slander you are writing here I think the best proof that you are the poor neighbour is that your allies will not aid you and even those halfway across the map go out of their way to harm you.

I wonder if I will be attacked by anyone for "warmongering" or my harsh "demands" or if you are merely ensuring your isolation in this world.

No no, not really. First, you were on Oceania's capital already, you weren't "going after" it, you were sieging it. And while one of those provinces was neutral, the other was my only way south, after Marignon had his coastal provinces back.

And perhaps if my ally had offered the same deals in gold for gems from my Deep Well that he offers everyone else, we'd still be allies. Seems all I get in Glory are demands - sweetly wrapped up looking like polite requests, but in the end, demands that bear heavy consequences if not met.

That is fine, play it off ham-handed. I am pretty sure that people are only a bit scared of my spells, not of my nation. Agartha is clearly the smallest nation who is not currently being trounced (sorry Eriu and TC <3). I am just trying to be competitive, but apparently having a couple of nice globals is far superior to province count, income, gem income, army size, and research. I will keep that in mind next time, I was unaware that having nothing but Arcane Nexus, was superior to having everything but Arcane Nexus. So if it's so powerful, why doesn't everyone just concede? I am soooo scary over here.

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