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Old July 22nd, 2008, 12:32 AM

Ironhawk Ironhawk is offline
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Default The Artifacts Game - [ HOLY S**T MICAH WON!! ]

In this game, you will each play a "human" pretender who was a servant of the now vanished Pancreator. These servants now aspire to godhood of thier own and intend to use the weapons and tools that were placed in thier care in order to assist them. In game terms, each nation will be given a set of artifacts appropriate to them, in addition to many lesser items which will help balance out any power issues. Full Artifact List below...

Era : Late

Map: Antilarium

Mods: CBM

House Rules:
Only human pretenders (10 point path cost, less than 20 hp)
No pop-killing dom nations (ryleh & ermor)
No Arcane Nexus or Mists of Deception (until patch, perhaps)

Indys 7
Sites 55
HoF 15
Research Standard
Graphs On

Format: PBEM

Schedule: Early - every day, Middle - every two days, Late - by consensus

Player List 19/19:
abysia - coobe
agartha - ironhawk
arco - DryaUnda
atlantis - baalz
bogarus - micah
caelum - wriath lord
c'tis - Morkilus
gath - calmon
jomon - boron
man - ewierl
marignon - amhazair
mict - lolomo
midgard - DonCorazon
pan - Anticipatient
patala - CUnknown
pyth - Lingchih
TC - rathar
ulm - quantum mechani
utgard - namad

Edit: Mods and Maps attached to this post
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Last edited by Ironhawk; July 6th, 2009 at 01:39 PM..
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