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Old July 22nd, 2008, 12:32 AM

Ironhawk Ironhawk is offline
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Default Re: The Artifacts Game - [nation selection]

[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/icon48.gif[/img][img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Dagger.gif[/img][img]/threads/images/Graemlins/icon48.gif[/img]THE ARTIFACT LIST[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/icon48.gif[/img][img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Dagger.gif[/img][img]/threads/images/Graemlins/icon48.gif[/img]

Arco: Aegis, Armor of Virtue, Aefisks Armor
Extras: Stymphalian Wing 2x, Moon Blade x5, Horn of Valour x2, Rainbow Armor x2, Entire enchanted trinket set, Stone idol x3

Man: Chalice, Robe/Boots of Calius, Percival
Extras: Piercer x2, Longbow of Accuracy x2, Eye of Aiming x2, Shield of Valour x2, Elf Bane x2, Stone Bird x2, Pocket Ship x2, Red/Blue/Green DSM

Ulm: Mage Bane, Black Mirror, Horror Harmonica
Extras: Implementor Axe x2, Lead Shield x2, Doom Glaive x3, Halberd of Might x3, Ethereal Crossbow x5

Mari: Sword of Justice, Sun Equipment, Admiral's Sword, Forbidden Light
Extras: Brimstone boots x2, Holy Scourge x4, Just man's Cross x5, Flamebue, Shroud of the Battle Saint x2

Mict: Scepter of Corruption, Flesh Ward, Gift of Kurgi
Extras: Heart of life x5, The Black Heart x5, Slave Collar x5, Hunter's Knife x4, Heart Finder Sword

TC: Sword of the Aurgemler, Barrier
Extras: Smasher x3, Robe of Missile Protection x5, Staff of Corrosion x2, Slave matrix x4, Master matrix, Bell of cleansing x4

Jomon: Ember, Sword of Many Colors, Crown of Overmight, Ruby Eye
Extras: Demon Bane x4, Crystal Shield x2, Chi Shoes x4, Sword of Sharpness x2, Elemental Armor, Bow of War x4

Agartha: Stone Sword, Hammer of the Moutains, Tartarian Chains
Extras: Banefire Crossbow x5, Shadow Brand x2, Boots of Stone x2, Champions Skull x5, Faithful x2, Silver Hauberk x2

Aby: Oal Kans Scepter, Unquenched Sword, Infernal Sword, Precious
Extras: Hell Sword x2, Fire Bola x5, Medallion of Vengeance x6, Fire Sword x2, Star of Heroes x2, Demon Whip x2

Caelum: Tempest, Igor Konhelm's Tome
Extras: Black Bow of Botulf x2, Thunder Bow x3, Thunder Whip x2, Amulet of Missle Prot. x5, Lightning Rod x2, Barrel of Air x2, Ice Sword x2

CTis: Woundflame, Ankh, Crown of Katafagus, Crown of Ptah
Extras: Lantern Shield x3, Evening Star x2, Serpent's Kryss x2, Whip of Command x3, Rod of the Leper King x2, Snake bladder stick x2

Pan: Harvest Blade, Fenris Pelt, Crown of the Ivy King, Carcator, Holger
Extras: Ivy Crown x4, Skull Standard x3, Vine whip x5, Summer Sword x3, Bear Claw Talisman x4, Rat tail x2

Midgard: Flying Ship, The Summit, Pebble Skin Suit
Extras: Lightning Spear x2, Stinger x2, Ice Pebble Staff x3, Spirit Helmet x2, Banner of the Northern Star, Weightless Armor Set, Lychatrops Amulet x2

Utgard: Winter Bringer, Monolith Armor, Rod of Death
Extras: Duskdagger x2, Knife of the Damned x5, Totem Shield x4, Berserker Pelt x3, Bane venom charm x2, Boots of long Strides x5, Sword of Swiftness x2, Barkskin amulet x3

Patala: Dimensional Rod, Krupp's Bracers, Sharpest Tooth, Green Eye
Extras: Robe of Invulnerability x2, Jade Armor x2, Axe of Hate x2, Robe of the Shadows x2, Astral Serpent x4, Stone Sphere x2, Crown of Command x3

Gath: The Ark, Procus's Axe, Picus's Axe
Extras: Flesh Eater x4, Midget Masher x2, Wall Shaker x1, Crystal heart x5 , Blood Thorn

Atlantis: Sunslayer, Orb of Atlantis, Nethgul
Extras: Wraith Sword, Bane Blade x2, Wave Breaker x2, Rime Haubrek x2, Bone Armor x2, Bottle of living Water x3

Pythium: Amon Hotep, Trident from Beyond, Shortsword, Boots of Antaeus
Extras: Gloves of the Gladiator x4, Snake Ring x2, Hydra Skin Armor x2, Thorn Staff x4, Dancing Trident x2, Ring of Warning x5, Scutata Volterus

Bogarus: Oath Rod of Kurgi, Ardmon's Soul Trap, Sword of Injustice, Boots of the Planes, Alchemists Stone, Twin spear
Extras: Elixir of Life x4, Scepter of Authority x3, Shield of the Accursed x2, Boots of Youth x3, Ring of the Warrior x3

Edit: Man's Bows of War swapped with Jomon's DSM
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