llamabeast said:
Er, imagine my post came before Agema's. We must have been typing at the same time.
And it took you over 2 hours to type yours?
I only made the guess that I did, because generally people tend to be more profuse with their examples in a case where they are illustrating their own point of view.
Now just to clarify further, I never said that the form of Democracy that we practice in America is -not- true, but rather the opposite, that in developing a form of true universal Democracy in this country, we are bringing to the forefront the failure of such a system.
That failure being that ultimately, the course of the nation (and the world to some extent, we are quite influential and all that) is being decided largely by uninformed and unqualified people. Not only that, but we are illustrating a certain constant, that "the larger the government gets, the less it should do". That is to say, while it may be perfectly alright for a town or community to mandate that there be no strip clubs in that community, it is a failing of modern universal Democracy that they can have ANY say one way or the other about whether or not strip clubs can exist in another town 3000 miles away.
Not that I am a huge fan of strip clubs.

I am just saying, people should not have a vote on the restriction of other people's freedoms. Obviously if I say if one community votes against certain behaviors, a non-universal system allows people who disagree to move to another community - someone can argue that if under this system, 51% outlaw certain things, I can just move to another country if I disagree. However, one of the concepts that this nation was founded on, was that we all live differently, think differently, and believe differently -
and impeding liberty and the pursuit of happiness is unacceptable.
So we need to retrace our steps, and define "liberty" in clear terms. Then we can determine what laws are even constitutional or feasible. I think most people on the right, and the left, would like a smaller government, especially if the fundamentalists realized that as large as they are, they are still another minority, and so if they create an environment of censure and oppression, they can prepare for that to come around to them eventually as well.