Re: A Brief Respite
Please accept my most sincere apologies for stalling last turn, RL is nuts right now and even with the timer extension I still screwed up the hosting deadline.
Though this game has been extremely fun and educational, I'll certainly agree that it's beginning to drag on. In what may deserve a Forum Treatise, I've personally found that after all the research was completed, the game became rather homogenous...every turn summoning the same monsters, forging the same items, using the same tactics over and over...a bit sad considering the enormous complexity of the early game AND the fact we're using CBM. Further, the game doesn't seem to be advancing, and would probably take another 100 turns (gasp) for anyone to actually secure a real victory.
I therefore second the Motion-To-Declare-A-Winner. I will also declare that Pan is NOT to be considered for victory, as we're really not in such great shape, nor would even have the ability to shape-up...lack of Astral magic has been murderous & an important lesson.
Of course, I'll most certainly continue on if you guys like. Again, sorry for the stale, it won't happen again.
EDIT: How's this for Deus Ex Machina...Somebody Wish for a Death Match, all surviving nations send their greatest champion. The arcane fabric of Alexandria will surely see to it that only the Champion of the True God will win...