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Old July 25th, 2008, 02:59 PM

thejeff thejeff is offline
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Default Re: Real-world sensitivities and game names

Interesting to use Lieberman as an example of bashing Christianity. He is Jewish, you know. He's my Senator and I would have to agree with Atreides assessment of him, though I'd try to phrase it more politely.

Besides that I'd agree with most of the rest of Atreides rant. I don't actually see any comparison between most US radical Christian groups and Muslim terrorists. Though some of the, overwhelmingly Christian, extreme anti-abortion groups have advocated or carried out terrorist attacks.

And the public statements by some mainstream right wing Christian leaders about Katrina and/or 9/11 being God's judgement on the US are easily as bad as the world-wide Muslim response to 9-11, which was, largely horrified sympathy. There were exceptions, but they were far rarer than some now claim.

In general, I'd agree with your assessment that all people are capable of violence. Who responds to offenses with violence, with laughter, or with rants or legal action, probably depends more on the options available to them than on their religion.

Finally, his entire rant was in response to a claim that Muslims and Jews were more likely to find things to take offense at than Christians, so it only seems reasonable to respond with examples of Christians doing so. The "hate-mongering, gay hating christians right wingers" are a very visible face of Christianity in the US, mostly due to their own efforts. Pointing this out is hardly Christian bashing. Claiming Christianity is all like that would be.
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