Gregstrom said:
But your whole rant about hate-mongering, gay hating christians right wingers etc etc. is exactly that. Bashing
Yes, but surely focussed on a subset of Christians rather than the whole. If I choose to bash a particular politician, I'm not bashing their whole party. If I bash a committee of politicians, I'm not bashing the Government.
Sure - but I don't mind bashing.
I just don't like bashing when mind bashing when its accompanied by a logical disconnect, or masked, or denied that it is a bash.
My whole point had nothing to do about jews, muslims, Christians (smile) or other. It was rather focussed on the logical disconnect of saying "I'm not bashing that douche bag Lieberman". I actually found the disconnect funny, even if the sentiment were offensive. (I happen to believe that Lieberman is one of the most upstanding politicians in congress, willing to say what he thinks regardless of political cost).
*it is bashing, even when you don't see it (which I believe is what occured) or when its cloaked in political correctness.
"why, that can't be rascist. Some of my best friends ae human."
"I'm not bashing - its because... (fill in reason..)