I <3 Lch. I think it's funny that other people would be offended that he called my argument bull****, when it didn't offend me. That right there speaks volumes on the subject that we're currently discussing.
And Chris, yes you are right that the 2nd amendment is very important, and should not be allowed to ever be taken away by a third party. However, any individual, and by extrapolation, any community of like-minded individuals may abandon their own freedoms if they feel it enhances their quality of life. By forbidding firearms in a community, it would be assumed that they are making a pacifist statement - and that they simply won't rise up in violent protest of anything, so wouldn't gain anything by retaining that freedom that they wanted to give up in the first place.
As long as there are people (like most of my friends, actually) who believe that the government is rather tyrannical and untrustworthy - there will be millions of people with guns, sitting around waiting for that day when we collectively cry "bull****", and demand reformation of our governmental system that was once revolutionary, but is now compromised, and corrupt.