Re: TucoTuco
Hearing of this, the august Emperor of Tien Chi sends his congratulations!
It is also heard that a spirited engagement in the south between the holding forces of Abyssia who proudly marched out from the shelter of the strong-walled castle they built on the Tien Chi border for just that purpose and valiant vanguard of Tien Chi gloriuos army resulted in a decisive, if costly, victory for the Tien Chi army.
While some of Tien Chi infantry allowed themselves to be drawn out by Humanbred militia instead of meeting main body of Abyssians squarely, which allowed the later to reach some of the less important Tien Chi mages and slay them despite the valiant defence provided by bodyguard detachments, the withering hail of Tien Chi crossbow bolts, together with the magic laid down by the Celestial master and sharp counter-attacks by Imperial heavy infantry, proved in the end to be too much for undisciplined barbarians, who turned tail and ran. Some of their forces still continue to hold their castle, but with their numbers depleted, it isn't expected they could hold it for long when Tien Chi reinforcements arrive.