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Old July 28th, 2008, 06:36 PM

llamabeast llamabeast is offline
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llamabeast will become famous soon enoughllamabeast will become famous soon enough
Default Re: Llama- you rock!

Thanks guys, you're very kind. It does make a difference, I have to say. Sometimes I tell friends I run a server and they say things like "Oh yeah, and the real trouble about doing stuff on the internet is everyone takes everything for granted and is rude to you even when you're doing stuff for them", to which I happily reply that the Dominions community is an exceptional place, and people here are very polite and kind.

It also makes a difference because every now and again I get wracked by feelings of futility about putting so much time into what is, after all, just a game. But then, if contributing to the community makes things a little better or more fun for other people as well, perhaps it isn't so futile.

Anyway, that list of updates was actually only the non-secret part of the server upgrades I've been working on lately, the secret part being the bit that's taken the most time. I should be able to finish it and make it open sometime this week. Hopefully people will like it.
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