Oh, right!
In the interest of keeping Bwaha from going mad with curiosity, and as a public service to all involved, Agartha is pleased to announce the slaying of the great Void Lord, the false god of R'lyeh.
In a surprise upset, an enormous force of Illithids and Meteroite Guards, led by that titanic monstrosity of the deeps, and starving like crazy from their extended siege, were mercilessly hacked down by a much smaller but much better fed (we eat rocks, well, and sand, mmmmm sand) force of sacred Agarthan warriors. The casualties were nearly 10-1 in Agartha's favor, far surpassing all estimates whose sum consensus was actually "Agartha is probably going to lose that fight, and it'll be all downhill from there".
In other news, the market for giant sized shoes continues to grow. Jotun statesman Thorgrumm Bjorfsfjord said this, "Jotunheim continues to dominate the casual businesswear market, however we can't make a good pair of shoes to save our lives, and our population has been growing at an unprecedented rate.".
When asked to comment on the reasons for this regional inundation of giantkin, Bjorfsfjord could not be reached.