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Old July 29th, 2008, 11:20 AM
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Default Re: VOTD-Still like it

Yeah I agree with Sombre, its power it's correct, but still i don't swallow that those souls come for vengeance, are killed again, and act as multiplied. I mean, I killed you, you returned from death for vengeance, I slayed even your soul, now REST IN F*XING PEACE! The thing that those are supposed to be the souls of enemies, and if yo kill the soul you have to face the soul of the enemy plus the soul of the soul, and then the soul of the soul of the soul... meh. ^^

Personally I think the battles from VotD should give normal exp, but the souls at least shouldn't count in the kill list. You may have to face them again but at least they don't multiply, should quite solve the most of the "buggy" aura around the spell.

My opinion of course. I know it is working as intended. But I find it kinda weird for the reasons I stated. And yet, if your thug killed 600 ("real") units, yes the vangeance of those angry souls will be terrible - as I agree nothing should be invincible (but some things should continue being very near of it, it's the fun of a so wide strategic game, combinations that make realultimatepowa )

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