Tpek said:
These girls are not trained to kill.
They're obviously non-combat duty (which is btw the default for girls, girls have to specifically ask to get into actual combat units).
I could kill them by just telling them the sheqem (sort of a discounted store in military bases for purchasing things such as food, drinks, sweets, and such...) is permenantly closed and they will now have to pass their days actually working. 
Wraithlord: When did you serve? (you make it sound so long ago) and where? (You imply you served in a software unit, however you also said you only served 3 years... so...)
I'm quite certain that in America at least, there are not seperate versions of boot camp for boys and girls.
And in a few of these, for example the Chinese and Korean ladies, they sure look like they mean business (not to discount the Iranian lasses, they just scare me). Granted, in the snowy Ukrainian photo, they look like they're giggling, but women giggle to get you off your guard, trust me.