Mockery is a very strong word. Maybe I take offense to that portrayal?
I can be a sarcastic son of a ***** at times. Somehow I imagined that putting it in italics, and then saying "sorry" afterwards, and putting the little heart, might express the fact that I
didn't mean anything by it.
Just about my only experience with VoTD is it getting resisted by the enemy.

Though your effuse denouncement of me did highlight one thing - that there are always options. When those options become less attractive, due to your opponent's arrangement of circumstance, then you tend to lose. If you succeed in finding a successful combination of tactics despite your enemy's best efforts, then you tend to win.
Honestly, if you are basing all of this ire off of the results of one war, then the only assumption that can be made is that you got outplayed, and the only way to insure it doesn't happen again, is to take a harder look at what you can sacrifice for what you can gain. *****ing on the forums about it, and getting all emotional when someone lightheartedly teases you, is not going to bring back your SC, or bring you any closer to victory in the next engagement.