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Old July 31st, 2008, 04:38 PM
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Default Re: Alien Contact Covered Up

Me too, but I like facts and dislike conspiracy theories...

Now, it's really a shame, I was really excited when I started reading this thing but now...

Some random comments and thoughts:

Narf, think bigger : There are 200 billion stars in the Milky Way and 100 billion other galaxies in the KNOWN (close enough so that we can see it) universe.
So, even if there's a 1 planet able to support life for each 1000 stars, that still makes a LOT of planets.

Considering these odds, IMHO there's NO WAY there isn't any other intelligent life form in the universe (And if I'm wrong, that implies our planet is SPECIAL, and that leads to some very interesting thoughts about God, etc...)

I know a person who saw an UFO, from his description it could very well have been an alien (space?)craft. Sadly, I'm not sure he can be trusted : though he's not involved in an conspiracy and paranormal theories, he's sometimes a bit of a liar.

"Dr Mitchell has made similar claims previously and is a self-proclaimed devotee of paranormal phenomena."
Also, he's 77 now. No comment.

I was very disappointed when I saw the Daly Telegraph poll with 78% "cover-up", 11% "aliens exist but no cover-up", 11% "no aliens" percentages.
I guess the problem is with the % of the population which bothered to answer this poll.

Now, give me a GOOD reason why the earth governementS (that's plural!) would cover-up something THAT big.

UFO Research NSW spokesman Doug Moffett said that a growing number of people believed alien life is possibility.

Mr Moffett, 48, who has spent more than 15 years speaking to Australians who have claimed to have had a close encounter with aliens, said belief in extraterrestrial life was one of society's last taboos.

"To say you have seen a UFO is almost tantamount to saying you've lost your marbles for a lot of people," he said.

Mr Moffett said it was impossible for sceptics to say - with total certainty - that there was no such thing as alien life.
Now, that's the WORST kind of journalism I've seen recently.
"Alien life exists", "Some people have seen Unidentified Flying Objects" and "There are little green/gray men visiting earth, AND it's covered up by earth governements" are radically different assumptions.

"Mr Moffett said that while many people believed in otherworldly life, most were afraid to admit it because of the stigma attached."
WTF? "I" believe in "otherwordly life", and I have NEVER had a problem admitting it. But I guess I'll have to raise this question a bit more often in my discussions to see what most people think of it.


Flying low and slow over golf course Nowra, Greenwell Point Road and flying west east. I was halted at an intersection at Worrigee facing north towards Terrara. In front of me was a military helicopter following another craft about two lengths behind. The front craft was a rounded triangle shape, about the size of the helicopter without tail or rotor blades. I sat for a while trying to work out what I was looking at. The bottom half of craft was grey/blackish and silverish on top. Many aircrafts fly over our area and my home but have never seen anything like it. For this past year there has been many 'unusual' aircrafts 'buzzing' our neighbourhood.

Now, THAT is really interesting. Could have been a military project of course. There's always the problem of credibility of the witness of course...

From Mitchell's interview:
Now, why is this so US-centric? I feel like I'm in a midlle of a bad science-fiction film.
It's interesting by the way, that most UFO sightings I'm aware of, are told to be in remote parts of the world, in Russia, Australia, United States... not many sightings in Europe! Now that is either due to biais, or to the fact that the aliens prefer remote places to land, and who can blame them!

BTW, Britain and France recently released their (complete?) "X-Files".


it's overwhelming -- and I realized as that happened, because I do have a PhD from MIT and I studied astronomy at Harvard and MIT and knew that molecules of matter in my body and in the spacecraft and in my partners' bodies were made in some ancient generation of stars. That's where matter is created.

Suddenly I realized that the molecules in my body were created in an ancient generation of stars and suddenly that became personal and visceral, not intellectual and I had never had this experience. It was accompanied by bliss, an ecstasy I had never experienced.

That's interesting, each time I look at the night sky I realise how the damn light pollution is preventing us to really experience the full sight. I'm NOT going to miss the next "Star Night". In fact I'm going to have a hike at this particular time (a really great coincidence). I hope the weather will be all right.

If this wasn't about Roswell, and an American governement cover-up, I might have believed it a little bit. Now, I just think this will only make the problem worse if the aliens DO show up. I hope they will, I think that would be good for humankind.

But right now, I'll believe there are aliens on Earth when I see one with my own eyes.
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