"Mr Moffett said that while many people believed in otherworldly life, most were afraid to admit it because of the stigma attached."
WTF? "I" believe in "otherwordly life", and I have NEVER had a problem admitting it. But I guess I'll have to raise this question a bit more often in my discussions to see what most people think of it.
Looks like I've been wrong:
"X-Files" report ridiculised
(You can skip the comments, they are probably not worth it).
If might also be because of the reputation the science-fiction has around here, I remember a discussion with my
CPGE French teacher when I replied that my favorite genre was science fiction, she said that I'd should rather concentrate my efforts on more "serious" litterature. (She was also astonished to learn dogs had a form of intelligence. Some teachers should definately get out more often...)
Yeah, like "The Last Question" by Isaac Asimov is not "serious" enough... I take that any time over
Condillac's hopelessly outdated writings!