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Old July 31st, 2008, 07:31 PM
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Default Re: LA Atlantis - frozen death from all directions

Another enlightening guide! Couple of questions/comments:

1) Death 3 seems pretty severe, especially considering your expansion rate will average at best. You probably know better than me, but I find Atlantis is always a high priority target for other players and Atlantis is usually on their back heels rather than gobbling up new high population territories.

2) How do you deal with early archer spam? The only shielded troops you recommended were the LA shamblers, but they have no synergy with cold 3 and are best used outside your dominion. Again, I find myself on the defensive ~75% of the time. Maybe that's the real question, how do you put yourself in a position where you are the aggressor considering your somewhat average expansion rate?
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