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Old August 2nd, 2008, 01:07 PM
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Default Re: The Artifacts Game - [nation selection]

Haha, awesome. At the risk of sharing state secrets I have to share this turn. I'm expanding using Nethgul, the Orb of Atlantis and the Sunslayer on my two starting commanders. Turn 1 of this fight on the third turn of the game, Nethgul decides the best thing to do is to blink his 14 hp host 4 squares *in front* of a block of 10 heavy cavalry! Oh crap, crap, that's by far the worst result out of any of my test games. I'm screwed on turn 3! Fortunately I gained the quickness heroic ability and half the cavalry ran right by to go attack my infantry. Nethgul now decides to drop body ethereal while two elementals tie up 3, 1 catches fatal point blank crossbow friendly fire (trying to hit the elementals) and the last horsy missed my ehtereal ***. Nethgul now paralyzes one, enslaves mind another one who helps the water elementals overwhelm the rest. Not a hit on my intrepid explorer....what'd you guys do to earn your hall of fame slots?
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