Well you're correct, I found it not entirely funny that you stripped 3 territories off of me when I was at my most vulnerable, and specifically told me, in the middle of that process, that it wasn't an act of war.
And you are also correct, that at this point I may partly sound fatalistic because I am dreaming of a different start for my lovely Caelum.

I won't suicide the nation or go AI, but I'm not looking at the game as an economy that lasts to the end - more rather planning each move based on what does the most damage in the short term. Ironically, since I feel that if I don't behave that way, I won't have a long term, it also coincides with doing what is best FOR the long term, which I won't have if I don't fight like a cornered dog. With wings.
I still don't find it particularly funny to lose my only non-mountain provinces the way that I did.

But I don't hold it against you, it's those bloody Vans, they're bastards.
You're actually quite lucky right now Darkstone, I'm reasonably certain that if our other players weren't represented by subs atm, the aforementioned NAPs would in fact be dissolving as we speak. I do what I can.
Oh also, not sure if I was misunderstood. It's less that I am bitter about my own position in this game, just that I really prefer larger maps with more players, and I'm bitter that I placed myself into a small one, and then chucked my pretender into Inkpot End in the first year. <3