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Old August 3rd, 2008, 04:01 AM

chrispedersen chrispedersen is offline
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Default Re: VOTD-Still like it

JimMorrison said:
I'm not sure how the movement is calculated Chris, but a 36 move critter will not trample 18 squares a turn, that would be..... insanely overpowered in most situations.

Also, that much trampling is enormously exhausting. It's not frolicking in a field, it's smashing bodies with your feet - even harder than squashing grapes, and ask anyone, it's hard work making wine.
Why do you say that Jim? I do realize I am rounding up in that area, but not egregiously - I only claimed that such a pretender could kill 500 or 600 undead.

36 ap in a straight line (non diagonally) 2ap when you are hasted per square = ergo a max of 18.
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