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Old August 3rd, 2008, 05:30 PM

Darkstone Darkstone is offline
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Default Re: TucoTuco

Let's clear a few misconceptions up.

You shouldn't have grabbed territory so far from your capital and so close to mine, if you had no ability or desire to defend it. As for it being or not being an act of war, I said I was willing to consider not being at war, as much as being at war.

I attempted and began negotiations, and you decided to end them. So instead of keeping that third province and getting a couple items for a NAP with me, or making some yet different arrangement, you chose war. I still believe you chose rashly, as you didn't get anything out of it except possibly some sense of satisfaction, but this really shouldn't be that big of a deal.


Secondly, I'm not sure what you are fatalistic about, each of the 4 major nations left has a good shot at winning the game.

As for starts... well, since you play so many games, I'm sure you realized that luck has a lot to do with how your game turns out, even if you pick the same nation on the same map, against the same players, with the same game setting.


As for the NAPs, anything is possible.


Lastly, if you prefer bigger games, I guess you can make that happen easily in the future, but complaining about it now doesn't make a lot of sense. As for your pretender, that sucks. You didn't run off and cry like Bandar (who was next to both Arco and Caelum who lost their pretenders just like Bandar). People who expect their game to go perfectly shouldn't play Dominions.

Sticking to a commitment deserves respect, and I think the other players recognized that, in regards to Arco, you, etc.

At least, I did.
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