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Old August 4th, 2008, 02:17 PM
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Default Re: Did you know that? (Dominions trivia)

Edi said: addition to increasing heat aura, Fire magic also increases the strength of fireshield? But it does not do that consistently. Apparently creatures with Fire Power get +1 per level of fire magic, while all others get +1 per 2 levels of fire magic (rounded down), except Chayot and Seraph, who don't get anything.

Did you also know that updating the fireshield display formula for the DB to reflect that is a goddamn pain in the arse and then some?
Same for cold aura and water magic - including the effect of the Rhime Haubrik. It has a larger cold aura worn by a water mage and it's protection changes with the temperature scale just like Caelum/LA Atlantis ice armors.
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