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Old August 7th, 2008, 01:33 AM

Xietor Xietor is offline
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Default Re: Cannot connect to server again

Server is back up. And I would like to thank Gandalf for manually resetting the game timer and not adding another 72 hours to the game's length.

Ctis' empire is big enough that it is reasonable to request 72 hours. I am fine with that.

But I did not want the game held up an extra 24 hours a turn for a nation with 12 provinces-no offense to the ryleh who has played an excellent game. And mp games on 330 province maps take months to finish. What has been aggravating for me is the server unreliability issues.
Velusion's server had issues, and his heart had long since left the game.

compounding the problem is every time a tcp/ip server goes down, and is reset, the timer starts anew. Which means the time between turns is not 72 hours, but many times 72 plus 60 plus 40. It just gets ridiculous.

Unless you are gandalf, of course, who is kind enough to manulally reset the timer back to where it should be.

"War is an art and as such is not susceptible of explanation by fixed formula."
- General George Patton Jr.
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