Did you know that...
"Huli" means fox. "Jing" is the stage non-humans (animals, plants, even inanimate objects) reach on their way to attaining Tao/Nirvana and becoming an immortal. As a "Jing" they no longer die of old age and gain some of the powers (magic?) typically associated with immortals. However, they can still be killed. The more powerful Jing's would have spent thousands of years meditating towards immortality - but usually less than ten thousand as presumably they would become immortals by the time they have spent ten thousand years meditating?!
The nine tailed silver fox is a myth like the white stag and a "Jing" of such an animal is supposedly the most powerful of all huli jings. According to Chinese myth/folklore, one such (in the form of a most beautiful woman) supposedly seduced an ancient emperor and caused the fall of his dynasty. Other tales of huli jing also have the common theme of it appearing as a beautiful woman, though not always evil. So nowadays the term "huli jing" is often used to describe a femme fatale, usually with a negative connotation - particularly by the wife in describingone who is having an affair with her husband!
I am afraid that, unlike other posts about the mechanics of the game, the above won't help you play any better!