I havent looked into it (distracted at the moment). But other options on the OP and MP thing...
Can we attach a text file and make it viewable?
From some of the comments it looks like some people need to remember that the purpose of these forums differ slightly between Shrapnel, and the users. Not much, but some.
OK that seems to work all right for me. It allowed me to open it in NotePad.
So the first post can include a text file with all the changing info that used to be in the first post of the MP games. That is, if we are allowed to over-write the old one with a new one even after the editing time-out. That wont be any harder a routine to get used to than the idea of having the changing info in the first post was to get people used to doing.
Last edited by Gandalf Parker; August 12th, 2008 at 12:00 PM..