Nice, I particularly like the map browser.
can I throw something on the wish list? I had kicked around making a PHP-based mod browser (but will never, ever get around to making progress on it) that goes through a mod, and assembles #newmonsters and #newspells etc. as they would show up in the stats screens inside the game. The only hard part would be those that copy existing sprites, armies, without creating a sprite / stat database (at least you could incorporate Edi's DB for the stats). It looks like you are already partway there, it would be a really useful tool....
Good work.
Let me make one small offering; I made (for myself) a little PHP based PBEM server/manager. It's got too many quirks to be worth sharing, but it does have a nice stylesheet that parallels one of the dominions 3 alternate splashscreens. I've posted the screenshot - if you want the CSS and HTML example to implement the styling, I'll be happy to share.