Hi Psientist,
Thanks for the suggestions. I'm afraid I'm basically done with major features for the LlamaServer now, at least for the next year, as I need to knuckle down on my PhD, and I think it's functionally fairly complete. Also I have essentially zero knowledge of anything web-based except CGI scripts - and those just because I use Perl a lot for my PhD. Certainly PhP and CSS are mysterious to me, and the little JavaScript I had to use for the browser caused me much misery (my brother says it would have been trivial if I'd installed proper debug addons for Firefox - as it was, when I had a typo, it just stopped working without an error message).
However, your screenshot looks super shiny. Given infinite time it'd be awesome if I could make the LlamaServer look like that. Very nice skills.
As for the mod browser - that sounds really awesome. However, I think that saying I'm partway there is a bit overoptimistic. Maybe 5% there. It's a funky idea though.
If there's anything I can provide from the LlamaServer for any project ideas you have, I'd be only too happy to help. The only thing I can't provide, unfortunately, is large quantities of time. Well, there are other things, like large quantities of money, but you get my drift.